Day 1

Ayelet Gvirsman || VP Product, Fijoya
Ayelet Gvirsman
VP Product

 No Users? No Problem:) Validating in the Void


What’s the right strategy for a product in a category that doesn’t exist? 

If you’re transitioning from a big company to a zero-to-one startup or just looking for fresh ways to validate new ideas, this session is for you. We’ll explore innovative tools, budget-friendly strategies, and tips to avoid common testing pitfalls - including when to move on and take a leap of faith. 

Amit Shuster || Head of Product , Imagen
Amit Shuster
Head of Product

They Asked for a Marketplace, But What Is the Outcome

In this talk, I share the story of how the founders' request to create a marketplace at our startup, led to an unexpected solution. Spoiler alert: we didn’t build a marketplace. Faced with the challenge, we pivoted away from simply fulfilling the request to deeply analyzing what would truly drive growth while keeping the core idea in mind. This talk reveals how we aligned our solution with business outcomes, utilized customer networks for growth, and prioritized long-term value over quick financial gains, transforming a straightforward request to build a marketplace into a robust growth engine

Tally Eting|| Senior Product Manager, Workato
Tally Eting
Senior Product Manager

Delivery while Onboarding - How to breathe while deep diving

Imagine starting a new role where expectations demand a first release in 90 days and a comprehensive vision presented to 600 customers within 40 days. Sounds intense? It was my reality.

Join me as I share firsthand insights from navigating this daunting challenge. Learn how to excel from day one in a new company and domain, crafting a roadmap with confidence to captivate a large audience at your company's premier customer conference. Discover strategies to transform your onboarding into a journey of productivity and success, ensuring you not only survive but thrive in the face of high-stakes expectations.

Adee Lavi  || Product Consultant, Ex VP Product @ Vee, Adee Lavi
Adee Lavi
Product Consultant
Ex VP Product @ Vee

Hybrid Integration of genAI and Operations - A New Practice of Product Managemen

In this session I'll share a product management practice that merges Generative AI with manual operations to accelerate workflows. The focus is on a system that leverages Gen AI, not just to assist, but to automate key tasks. I'll discuss the challenges of integrating AI seamlessly, along with strategies for optimizing this hybrid approach for faster operations

Hanan Levin || VP sales, Hunters
Hanan Levin
VP sales

Product Sales Fit


A view of product management from a sales perspective, and how PMs can help in the sales motion and make a real impact on the business.


Mor Regev Lalush ||  Senior Director of Product , Payoneer
Mor Regev Lalush
Senior Director of Product

Sustainovation: Navigating Healthy Product Growth

Noa Goldman || Product Manager, Wix
Noa Goldman
Product Manager

Wix Open Platform Strategy: The story of our growth 

This talk dives into the story of Wix's evolving strategy, the Open Platform, and the continuous growth it delivers. We'll share the why, what, and how of our open platform strategy, including our "aha moment" of realizing that opening the platform was the right move. We'll discuss both the high-level strategy and the tactical tips that helped us iteratively open our platform.

We'll share stories from two perspectives: Rephael, Wix's Product Professor and Strategy Specialist, will discuss the strategic rationale behind the Open Platform. Noa, Wix's Dev Tools Product Manager, will showcase the tactical aspects of opening the platform by simplifying tools that empower external developers to expand Wix. This talk will have you asking - should I open my platform to grow my product? And with the right tools to start doing so.

Raphael Laufer || Professor of Product , Wix
Raphael Laufer
Professor of Product

Wix Open Platform Strategy: The story of our growth 

This talk dives into the story of Wix's evolving strategy, the Open Platform, and the continuous growth it delivers. We'll share the why, what, and how of our open platform strategy, including our "aha moment" of realizing that opening the platform was the right move. We'll discuss both the high-level strategy and the tactical tips that helped us iteratively open our platform.

We'll share stories from two perspectives: Rephael, Wix's Product Professor and Strategy Specialist, will discuss the strategic rationale behind the Open Platform. Noa, Wix's Dev Tools Product Manager, will showcase the tactical aspects of opening the platform by simplifying tools that empower external developers to expand Wix. This talk will have you asking - should I open my platform to grow my product? And with the right tools to start doing so.

Amir Lidor  || VP Product, SeeTrue AI
Amir Lidor
VP Product
SeeTrue AI

What I've learned from my child about product management


I am the proud father of an 18-year-old girl who has been part of Benjamina's robotics groups for the past 6 years. This year, she serves as one of the team captains, and just a month ago, her team achieved first place in the World Robotics Championship - FRC, surpassing thousands of teams worldwide. Over the years, I've delved deeper into this world, discovering unique methodologies and strategies that offer valuable lessons for product managers in high-tech companies.

In the FRC competition, each year presents a new challenge where teams must build a robot within a tight schedule. They start competing just six weeks after the global announcement of the competition's structure and rules for that year. Unlike product launches that allow for adjustments, there's no room for rejection; teams must innovate and compete with the resources available. The process involves meticulous planning, rapid production, extensive software development (for the robot and supporting systems), and continuous iteration over the two-month competition period. This team continuously refines its methodology year by year, achieving unprecedented success - no Israeli team has previously won at this level, which is usually dominated by teams from the USA with budgets ten times larger and support from sponsors like NASA, Boeing, and Apple.

For us as product managers, learning from a group of young individuals (alongside mature mentors who have integrated into the high-tech industry) who represent the future of technology is both fascinating and invaluable. These insights will be showcased in my upcoming lecture, providing concrete examples of innovative strategies and methodologies.


Vered Feldman || Actress, director and body language expert
Vered Feldman
director and body language expert

The secrets of body language


First impression is established in the very first seconds and affects the way the environment perceives us.

We are all "standing in front of an audience" -Small talks, networking, presentations, dates, job interviews, managing employees and basically in every interaction!

So how can you improve your communication skills, unlock your carisma and Present the best version of yourself?

Through an effective experiential methodology, you will learn how the knowledgeable use of body language can improve interactions and generate positive change in your professional and personal life.

What will you get?

Tools for upgrading your non verbal messages

Basic principles for analyzing body language

We will reveal what each part in the body transmits

What do our hand movements deliver?

Face and facial expressions

Body tilts

How can you transmit power and presence through the voice and more..


Dan Michlin|| Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Health AI
Dan Michlin
Senior Product Manager
Microsoft Health AI

Harnessing the GenAI Storm – A practical guide for product managers

I integrated a GenAI model into my products and lived to tell the tale.

Since ChatGPT burst into our lives in November 2022, the hype around Generative AI (GenAI) has reached new heights. Today, there is hardly a tech organization that isn't integrating or considering integrating GenAI into their processes and products, sometimes justifiably, sometimes not.

As product leaders, we are often seen as those who need to bring the vision and insight on how to incorporate this technology into the products we manage. In this talk, I will attempt to cut through the hype and simplify the topic with practical tools for product managers, based on my experience working with GenAI capabilities in Microsoft's health group over the past year.

By the end of the lecture, I hope you'll have the knowledge to:

When and why it is appropriate to use GenAI

The available options, along with their advantages and disadvantages

How to consider aspects of Safety, Security, and Responsible AI

Doreen Weissfelner || Group Manager, Wix Home & Wix Analytics
Doreen Weissfelner
Group Manager
Wix Home & Wix Analytics

Analytics Chatbot: Data at Your Fingertips

 Discover how the Wix Analytics Chatbot is making website data easy to understand through simple conversations. The talk will share insights from its development, highlight its capabilities, and discuss the challenges and lessons learned along the way


Shir Feldman ||  Senior Product Management , Microsoft
Shir Feldman
Senior Product Management

The Art of Corporate Incubation: How to Build a Startup within a Big Company 



Discover how a small team turned an abstract idea into a strategic project at Microsoft, securing investment from CEO Satya Nadella. Learn the steps taken to incubate a raw idea, and how we harnessed support from managers and leadership, collaborating effectively all the way to the top. This session offers practical tools for any product manager looking to turn ideas into new ventures while working successfully with senior executives.