Super User

Super User

Keren Wexler ||Sr. Director, Product Management, Pendo

About the lecture:

How to earn the trust of the CEO

My personal story of how I transformed my product team into an independent empowered team, trusted by our management.

A one-year journey where we practiced extensive use of data, listening to the voice of the customer, and communicating effectively with executives. 

I'll share simple tools, techniques, and guidelines that any product manager can practice.


Shai Frank ||VP Product, Optimove

About the lecture:

Roadmap/Strategy Fit

How I aligned the company around a flexible initiative-driven roadmap and stopped lying to everyone.

Many of us build annual or quarterly product roadmaps by prioritizing the backlog based on each feature’s value and estimated effort. But the reality is that this hardly ever ends up as planned. In this talk I will show you how I implemented a practical process of prioritizing customer problems rather than features, resulting in better alignment of the company around a flexible and strategic initiative-driven roadmap.   


Betty Keren || Product Manager, Microsoft

About the lecture:

Adapting to changes in users, lessons we learned at Microsoft Teams.

No one knows how long the coronavirus pandemic will last, but it should be obvious by now that even after we will go back to our normal routines - our users’ behaviors and habits might never be quite the same.

 As product managers we often find ourselves defining our user personas in the early stages of the product, but in the post-COVID world – will our personas remain the same?


I’m excited to share with you some of my thoughts and help you to embrace and adapt to this new world by better understanding your users, their new needs, new behaviors, and their new goals.

 In this talk, I will focus on 4 important ways this might impact your product, and will share some examples of products that have already adapted to the new world, including Microsoft Teams which I’m working on.



Tal Kailler || Rider Product Team Lead, Gett

About the lecture:

Be data driven  informed 

As PMs we are expected to be data-driven and base decisions on user usage data. In this talk I will suggest a different approach of being data-informed, meaning that user usage data is only 1 source of input out of many to base product decisions on.


Shani Fargun || Product Manager , Simbionix – 3D Systems

About the lecture:

!When COVID gives you lemons – turn them into lemonade

One day early in 2020, the entire world was thrown into "chaos” due to a fast spreading global pandemic. Suddenly, the customers’ needs and product usage changed dramatically.

The question became: how can we continue and manage our products during this crisis in real-time?

In this talk I will depict how the PM team rapidly adapted to the situation, collected the flux of information from clients, monitored these changes, and identified the crucial market needs.

I will also demonstrate a series of actions and products that were implemented in order to fit the new market needs, show how the crisis was overcome, and share general insights on innovative and dynamic product management.  


Arbel Zinger || Product Manager, Google Search

About the lecture:

PMing COVID-19 - Building for a pandemic

As the Google's Crisis Response product manager, I build products to help people find relevant information during earthquakes, wildfires, floods  and other disasters. What happens when the crisis is global? What are the challenges (and opportunities) I tackled during the COVID-19 crisis. How and when we figured out something big is happening and we need to react to it
How do you module User needs and move the whole organisation in order to build a product that provides local, fresh and actionable information?