Day 2 - morning session

Ori Yitzhaki ||VP Product, JFrog
Ori Yitzhaki
VP Product

Products to Platform: Making the Leap


Products produce a single revenue stream, while platforms that connect two or products with synergy can accelerate it.

A large number of the world’s most valuable companies by market capitalization are platform companies and although some of those companies started with platforms, many started with products.

 Not every company, however, makes the leap successfully.


In this session, I will tell the JFrog platform story, what the product team should consider before and after taking this leap forward and what can make the difference between effective transformations and a failure.

Tamar Shachar || Chief Product Officer,
Tamar Shachar
Chief Product Officer

How to build customer trust


A few unlocks to building customer trust and why is it so important

Nir Aravot

Product Manager 2.0 - the Accountable Lead.

3 years ago at Klarna we redesigned our way of working in order to remove

dependencies between teams; enable them to run faster; and ship high quality

products that our customers will love. Quickly.

We realized that modifying the product manager role is key to achieving this goal.

That’s why today, product managers at Klarna are also “Accountable Leads”.

What does it mean to be an accountable lead?

How does this change impact the product manager role?

What have we learnt about this model in the last 3 years?

In this talk, I’ll share my two cents on this topic, as well as provide you with a

starter kit for adopting this model in your company.

Anat Amibar ||COO, 6Over6
Anat Amibar

Product & Regulations: A Love Story


When I first learned I needed to get my software product FDA approved, I panicked. Then I figured I could hack it. I was wrong on both counts.
This is the story of how I learned to love the regulatory landscape in which my products live and thrive.

Tomer Shay ||CEO & Co-Founder, EverSQL
Tomer Shay
CEO & Co-Founder

3 steps we took to increase our SaaS sales in 3x


Selling a product in a zero/low touch based SaaS is both challenging and fun. In this talk, we'll present 3 steps we took to increase the awareness and engagement of the developers community with our database optimization product. We'll discuss our tool based marketing approach, our specially crafted emails, and the engagement of our potential customers with our product.

Israeli Product managers ||Witty Panel
Israeli Product managers
Witty Panel