Super User

Super User

Roy Leiser || Head of Analytics and PM ,SparkBeyond

About the lecture:

 "How do we know if we are BUILDING THE RIGHT THING?”

When this question is answered well - magic happens.

Yifat Ferber-Harel || VP Product Strategy , 3d Signals

Mastering design partners or "How production workers helped me build my saas product

Yifat Ferber-Harel || VP Product Strategy , 3d Signals

About the lecture:

Mastering design partners or "How production workers helped me build my saas product



Effie Arditi || CPO ,

About the lecture:

Product Growth - From Enterprise to SMB and back - How to expand your product to new markets



Noa Torok Arlosoroff || Director of Product Operations , Yotpo

About the lecture:

 Product Ops - How to turn your Product org into a well-oiled machine 


Vicky Petel || Senior Product Specialist, AppsFlyer

About the lecture:

There ain't no such thing as a free l(a)unch

Itai Barak || Senior Director of Product Management, Salesforce

About the lecture:

How do you switch an engine in a car that is driving 100 km/h? 

Itai Barak || Senior Director of Product Management, Salesforce

How do you switch an engine in a car that is driving 100 km/h? 

Noa Green || VP Product, Day Two

Put your Metrics where your mouth is

to-be published