

Noa Danon

Co-Founder & CEO , EverAfter

Ayelet Gvirsman

VP Product, Fijoya

Mor Regev Lalush

Senior Director of Product , Payoneer

Dadi Atar

VP Product , Montara

Adee Lavi

Product Consultant, Ex VP Product @ Vee, Adee Lavi

Itzik Adziashvili

VP Product, LSports

Hanan Levin

VP sales, Hunters

Tami Shlasky Nachalon

VP Product, ProteanTecs

Tally Eting

Senior Product Manager, Workato

Dan Michlin

Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Health AI

Kobi Agi

Product Group Manager, Atera

Doreen Weissfelner

Group Manager, Wix Home & Wix Analytics

Amir Lidor

VP Product, SeeTrue AI

Ram Mizrahi

Product Manager and Consultant, Bright Data

Yael Essel

Senior Product Manager , Vcita

Vered Feldman

Actress, director and body language expert

Noa Goldman

Product Manager, Wix

Oded Weinreb

Product Management Consultant

Shir Feldman

Senior Product Management , Microsoft

Nataly Rudnitsky Dalal

Senior Product Management, Palo Alto Networks

Amit Shuster

Head of Product , Imagen

Eynat Guez

CEO & Co-Founder , Papaya Global

Prof. Ron Shachar

Former Dean of Arison School of Business, Reichman University. Currently head of the Honors program.

Guy Molho

Senior Director of Product, Melio

Irit Elgavi

Lt. Col, IDF

Benji Azaria

VP of Data Science

Eran Rozen

Product Lead , Monday

Ronen Soffer

Product Cheif, Intuition Robotics

Amichay Even Chen

Senior Product Manager , Monday

Gadi Ganon

VP of Product Technologies and AI, Playtika

Sivan Yaron-Enden

Group Product Manager , Intuit

Roee Froman

Product Director, Taboola

Yaelle David

Brand Experience Lead

Gil Bouhnick | Product Director


Yuval Nachman

CPO & Co-founder

Oren Lewkowicz

VP, Head of Collect & Review LOB

Yael Ben-Ari

Senior Product Manager

Guy Loel

Actor, Guylo

Emiliano Argnani

Senior Solution Engineer, Mixpanel

Julia Diament

VP R&D, Security Organization

Shelly Shmurack

Product Leadership, Data & AI, Walmart

Carmel Arad

Senior product manager, Honeybook

Tzviel Lemberger

Head of AI for validation product team, Intel

Ofir Natan

CPO, Practical AI

Noa Reikhav

VP Product, Skai

Ronen Soffer

Product Advisor | Previously Telmap CTO and Intel GM for Wearable SW/Assistance

Yoav Yechiam

Analytics Specialist and Managing Partner, The Product Alliance

Ido Milstein

SVP product, Hello Heart

Hadas Sheinfeld

Strategic Product Thinker

Jack Ziv

Head of Investigative Analytics, Cellebrite

Marty Cagan

Partner at Silicon Valley Product Group

Adi Dagul

Senior Product Manager,Bizzabo

Eyar Zilberman

Chief Product Officer, Datree

Omer Efrat

VP Product, Torq

Uri Nativ

CPO and Co-founder, Torii

Dotan Egozi

Product Lead, Monday

Shahar Markovitch

GM New Products & Strategy, Simply

Tal Guttman

Senior Director // Head of Strategic Growth

Maria Polo Guardia

Director of Product Management, Payoneer

Ariel Kedem and John Cutler

Gadi Ganon

Head of Digital and AI products, Playtika

Todd Olson

CEO & co-founder, Pendo

Roi Lavan

SVP Product, marketplace, ZipRecruiter

Victoriya Kalmanovich

Software Engineering Manager, Aspectiva

Shelly Shmurack

Senior Data PM, Aspectiva

Ilana Rosner

Manager, Ads Product management, eBay

Eran Helft

Group Product Manager, Monday

Aluma Kushnir

UX Lead ,SparkBeyond

Roy Leiser

Head of Analytics and PM ,SparkBeyond

Yifat Ferber-Harel

VP Product Strategy , 3d Signals

Effie Arditi

CPO , Tomrrow.io

Noa Torok Arlosoroff

Director of Product Operations , Yotpo

Vicky Petel

Senior Product Specialist, AppsFlyer

Itai Barak

Senior Director of Product Management, Salesforce

Noa Green

VP, Product, Day Two

Idan Fargeon

Head of Product, Alibaba Israel

Baruch Deutsch

Veteran Product Manager, Consultant, Mentor, Writer

Liat Abrahami

Product Team Lead, Outbrain

Stav Aldaag

VP Product, Frontegg

Ran Erez

Senior Product Manager, Taboola

Shiri Arad Ivtsan

Director of Product Management, WhiteSource

Linat Wager

Product, Pecan

Limor Segev

VP Product, Pecan

Omer Gartzman

Group Product Manager, Gong

Tamar Schultz

Director of product, Taboola News

Rich Mironov

Product Management Guru

Zohar Shrem

Senior Ergonomic consultant and an Occupational therapist

Tamar Shachar

Chief Product Officer, Worthy.com

Eilon Reshef

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Gong
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