Vered Feldman
Actress, director and body language expert-
- Large
- Yes
About the lecture:
The secrets of body language
First impression is established in the very first seconds and affects the way the environment perceives us.
We are all "standing in front of an audience" -Small talks, networking, presentations, dates, job interviews, managing employees and basically in every interaction!
So how can you improve your communication skills, unlock your carisma and Present the best version of yourself?
Through an effective experiential methodology, you will learn how the knowledgeable use of body language can improve interactions and generate positive change in your professional and personal life.
What will you get?
Tools for upgrading your non verbal messages
Basic principles for analyzing body language
We will reveal what each part in the body transmits
What do our hand movements deliver?
Face and facial expressions
Body tilts
How can you transmit power and presence through the voice and more..